Elementary Workload Minutes and Agendas
Memorandum of Agreement – Workload Committee – As a result of the 2017 contract extension and during the 2018 bargaining, a Workload Committee met regularly to discuss the numerous issues that were brought forward that related to the elementary day and professional responsibilities. The complexity of these issues necessitates further discussion and study by a representative joint committee. It is therefore agreed to establish a Workload Committee that will address ongoing issues involving these topics including design and oversight of options to address the issues.
Scope and Functioning
The Workload Committee will:
• Continue the work of the workload group
• Establish committee protocol
• Identify a communication liaison
• Maintain an elementary focus
• Review the Curriculum Writing Cycle and Curriculum Writing Timeline to establish and provide a recommendation to Teaching and Learning for revision of the Curriculum Writing Cycle and Timeline
• Advise and guide the Curriculum Writing Cycle and Calendar to provide oversight to work plans and corresponding timelines
• Review and evaluate the potential impact on teacher workload as a result of new initiatives
• Determine how the committee will collaborate and integrate with Instructional Council
• Review and evaluate the potential impact of curriculum and resource proposals on workload in coordination with Instructional Council submission
• Establish a protocol for reviewing curriculum and resource proposals that focus on workload including but not limited to: operation and technical components, content, pedagogy and communication
• Identify potential connection and overlap between grade levels and content areas
• Build a consistent communication structure between ETA and Administration
• Create innovative solutions to problems
• Create and implement joint interest-based training between ETA and administration to establish common understanding and effective collaboration
• Review workload evaluation submissions from teachers generated under 8.1 Excessive Teaching Loads/Case Loads
• Conduct annual survey or create data collection tools to gather individual teacher feedback as it relates to workload
• Formulate sub-committees as needed Meetings will be held monthly or as necessary. The co-chairs shall prepare an agenda for each meeting and will include all requests from any member of the
Committee. Minutes will be kept of each meeting and will be available to the Committee members and posted on the District website within two school days.