Archive: ETA RA 2014-15 RA 2014-2015 RA Attendance for 2014-15 Agenda May 20 RA Minutes 5-20-15 (pending approval) ANSWERS TO STUDENT GROWTH QUIZ RA Agenda April 22 RA Minutes 4-22-15 PDF Format: Licensure Renewal 2015 PowerPoint Presentation Format: Licensure Renewal 2015 LICENSURE RENEWAL CPDU-Compare Table April 2015 SHS Appendix F – 2014-2015 Agenda March 18 RA minutes March 18 GIFTED and DUAL Language Memo DUAL Language Staffing Diagrams Agenda February 18 RA Minutes 2-18-15 Agenda January 14 RA minutes January 2015 Agenda November 19 RA Minutes 11-19-14 Agenda October 22 RA Minutes 10-22-14 Agenda September 10 RA Minutes 09-10-14 Budget Summary September 5 Budget 2014.15 EHS site exception September 2014 Post TA Survey 2014 RA Minutes 08-20-14 Agenda August 20th Elgin High Site Exception RA Minutes 08-05-1