It is time for our Spring Election. The positions up for election are Presidential Slate (President, 1st VP, and 2nd VP), positions on the ETA Board of Directors (Minority Director, Section 2 and 4 Elementary Directors, and Section 2 and 4 Secondary Directors), spots of our Instructional Council and Special Education Committee.
In addition, we are electing our 2020 NEA Delegates. This year the NEA representative assembly will be held in Atlanta, Georgia from July 2-6.
These elections are a great opportunity for you, The ETA membership, to be involved and have a voice in the ETA. If you or somebody you know would like to be nominated, click the link below to nominate yourself or others for any of the above positions. When completing the form, be sure to include a candidate statement with no more than 100 characters to be included with the ballots. Statements must not include an exhortation to vote for the candidate and must be non-promotional, factual and objective. Nominations are due by Friday, February 7 at 5:00 PM.
We will hold elections in buildings on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. We are in need of volunteers to help out with counting ballots on election night. If you are interested in helping out please email Jim Krambeer at, only active ETA members are eligible to assist in this function.
Please update and correct Jim’s email