Tentative Agreement 2014-2017

The resources below have been provided to help best inform you about the Tentative Agreement (TA) reached between your bargaining team and School District U46. I. There are the documents related to provisions of the Elgin Agreement. II. The Increase Analyzer will help understand how the TA impacts your salary over the next three years. III. The additional Memorandums of Agreement specify joint commitments to continued work.


I. Documents

Individual Tentative Agreements:

6.5 Teacher Collaborative Time
7.2 Instructional Council
8.3 Regular Education Special Services Classes
8.45.12 SEC – Composition
14.7 Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)
15.3 Professional Development Committee
Compensation Related – Salary, Retirement Insurance, Retirement Benefit
Addendum C – TMP
Addendum D – MOA MTSS
Appendix F
Appendix F Athletics Points Sheet – for informational purposes only as there were no changes recommended
The Complete Tentative Agreement 

If you prefer to review the TAs in the context of the contract, they are incorporated into the 2014-2017 Elgin Agreement. In addition to the TAs a significant amount of language cleanup was performed by a subgroup and approved by the joint bargaining team.

To ease navigating the document for the purpose of reviewing these changes, embedded comments, and TAs, we have color coded the table of contents in the Elgin Agreement as follows:

1. Yellow highlight – language cleanup that typically reflects eliminating language related to prior practice.

2. Green highlight – language bargained by the joint bargaining teams and typically reflects new language

3. Blue highlight – language bargained and agreed to by the joint bargaining teams after being brought forward by the work of joint committees

Technology note: If you open the file in your browser you can only read the comments if you use Internet Explorer. If you use Chrome then you’ll see comments exist but you won’t be able to read them.  If you save the file to your computer then you can open it in Adobe and view the comments.
The Elgin Agreement 2014-2017 
This version is as the contract will appear in final print.
(Warning: This is over 150 pages in length and as a large file may take a long time to load.)
Elgin Agreement 2014-2017 TA Full Markup  NEW
This version is the contract with full markup from the 2011-2014 Agreement. Strike through language represent deletions and underscored language is new language. There are no embedded comments. Comments are only attached to the version linked above.
(Warning: This is over 225 pages in length and as a really large file may take a long time to load.)

Additional notes:

The Teacher Appraisal Plan was not changed but the formatting of the document underwent a significant revision. The updated TAP document can be found at  TAP 2014.

The transfer/reassignment language was updated. Those changes are also reflected in the flowchart.  Flowchart

II. Individual Increase Analyzer

2014-2017-Individual-Increase-Analyzer – Excel File

III. Memorandums of Agreement (MOA)

An MOA is a joint commitment and binding document but due to the limited duration of the tasks related to these MOAs it was agreed to keep them as stand-alone documents.

MOA – Compensation Committee
MOA – Bargaining Issues Roundtable


Theses questions represent the discussion at the RA on August 5th. Please check-in with your ETA Reps for more information.

RA TA Questions 2014