MTSS Committee Minutes and Agenda
ADDENDUM F – Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Committee
During the course of the 2014 summer bargaining and subsequently revisited
during the 2018-2019 bargaining, several issues related to Multi-Tiered Systems
of Support (MTSS) were brought forward. The complexity of these issues
necessitates ongoing discussion and study by a representative joint committee.
It is therefore agreed to continue an MTSS Committee that will address issues
involving student behavior and academic interventions through design and
oversight of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
Scope and Functioning
The MTSS Committee will continue to identify needs and establish guidelines in addition to overseeing, evaluating, and making adjustments to the MTSS programs. The Committee will clarify the processes used to identify student supports and interventions. Annually, the Committee will also update the District U-46 MTSS Implementation Guide to reflect evidence-based practices. The Committee, with input from Curriculum and Instruction, will create a list of available district wide interventions specific to grade levels and programs. The guide will include a workbook format for Secondary and Tertiary levels that will reflect current implementation as well as allow for growth and development of individual school systems of support.
Further, the Committee will proactively address school climate and culture for fostering an equitable environment that meets the strengths and needs of our diverse student population. This may include data from Tableau, Edvantage, and Infinite Campus as well as data collected by the ETA.
The Committee will recommend a process for MTSS data collection and building wide sharing of academic and behavior data. The MTSS Committee will be apprised of the work and data collected from district wide support systems in order to assess needs and recommend further action. Sources may include the use of supports such as the Tactical Assessment Team, Social Emotional Response Team, and the Para educator Intervention Team.
The Committee will identify materials that may be used to assist teachers in implementing MTSS initiatives which are strengths-based, consider the whole child, ensure a growth mindset, which are culturally, linguistically, and developmentally appropriate to the students served. The Committee will
develop MTSS communication guidelines for all stakeholders.
The Committee will recommend differentiated professional development opportunities for all teachers. This could include, but is not limited to, anchor texts, district-led programs, and out of district professional development opportunities based on MTSS research and identified needs.
Meetings will be held monthly and more frequently if deemed necessary by the Committee. The co-chairs shall jointly prepare an agenda for each meeting and will include all requests from any member of the Committee. Minutes will be kept of each meeting and will be made available to the Committee members and posted on the District website within 10 school days. Other rules of operation may be determined by the Committee as needed.