Instructional Council Notes March 2016

Council approved the FDK proposal. There were questions raised about the level of training and how it would be differentiated for veteran kdg teachers. These concerns were sent in our notes.

Council heard a proposal for Spanish Language Arts for 7th Grade. This is the program proposed for the continuation of Dual Language in the Middle Schools. This will be discussed again at the April meeting.

Council heard a proposal for ELA Writing Resources K-8. This is a teacher resource to use with the writing program. It does not replace the current framework for writing and can be used with “Step Up To Writing”, Being A writer”, or any other program in use at this time. We will have more discussion at the April meeting.

Council received an updated DL IGNITE Standard Text Resource proposal. Again we had questions about the materials proposed and asked for more information from the committee.

Council received an update on K-12 Social Science writing committees. There will be a “Call to Committee” for elementary teachers to help move this work along.

Council received an update on the resource requested to support the Law I and Law II proposals and amended our memo of support. The committee had changed one  resource that was in the original proposal in favor of another that has now become available.

Council was presented with a proposal rubric created by council members intended to be used to consider the merits of future proposals. Council discussed this and offered feedback for revisions.

Council was updated on progress made by the Instructional Council Manual Committee.

This subcommittee of Instructional Council is in the process of updating language in the council manual to be more in line with current practice and procedures.


Submitted by Mary Wojtczak

Thanks very much to Mary Wojtczak for her shared communication for members and we wish her well on her retirement. 


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